December 3, 2010


Pictures: Hemnet through Aprill Aprill

The lovely home of blog Dalstigen now for sale through here.
In case you wonder, I didn't give up on the blog. In the beginning of November I thought I'd been really lucky feeling so good during both my pregnancies. Then I caught 3 colds and the flu in 4 weeks while living away from home because of the bathroom makeover. It's not so easy to entertain a bored 3 year old in a small studio for 4 weeks when you're not feeling well. Now with 20 something days to go and the apartment a total mess I almost feel I want out. Hoping to be able to move back home next week with some cleaning help from friends and family. And I hope the baby stays where it is until we're back.


Ylva said...

jag gillar verkligen det där stället också! Mycket inspirerande bilder!

lycka till med bebben!!

KERRY said...

Sorry to hear you have been so unwell. Hope the remaining time goes smoothly for you! I love this fact, I'd already prepared a post of the same place for next week! I'll link to you. Have a lovely and hopefully restful weekend.

reykjavik fragments said...

Ylva, tack, tänkte jag skulle tävla hos dig men har inte haft tid. Nya shopen ser jättefin ut ;-) Grattis och lycka till!

Kerry, no problem, I think we have the same taste in houses :-) I like all the pictures you post and I'm always going, no I can't blog something I found through there again... Your blog always ends up in those tabs I don't have the heart to close down. Hope you have a great weekend too!

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